Sally Swetzof

Sally Swetzof

Featured here is a collection of recording of Sally Swetzof, of Atka, speaking in Niiĝuĝim tunuu, also know as the Atka diallect of Unangam tunuu (the Aleut language)

Sally Swetzof teaches regalia and beaded headdress sewing, traditional foods, Unangam Tunuu, dance and drumming at the Urban Unangax̂ camp. She incorporates traditional knowledge, values, language and historical context into all of her activities. In addition to being an expert at sewing, Mrs. Swetzof can teach every aspect of cleaning and preparing a large variety of traditional foods, including butchering a seal. Respecting traditions, the environment, subsistence foods and being thankful for them are important concepts she teaches during camp. Mrs. Swetzof also completed a “one size fits all” regalia which she began making during the 2010 Urban Unangax̂ camp, that is available for loan through APIA.


Ms. Swetzof was born in Atka, Alaska and grew up living a largely traditional lifestyle. She spoke only Unangam Tunuu until she started school and had to learn English. For over 20 years she has been active in cultural revitalization and has shared her knowledge throughout the entire Aleutian Pribilof Islands region. She currently works for the Aleutian Region School District to develop curriculum and teach Unangax̂ language and culture language and culture in three communities within the school district. Sally Swetzof is the recipient of the 2013 AFN Culture Bearer award and the 2013 Shareholder of the Year awarded by the Aleut Corporation.


Mrs. Swetzof was instrumental in the revitalization of traditional Unangax̂ dance. As one of the founding members of Atxam Taligisniikangis (Atka Dancers) she helped create dances and lyrics and provided the Unangam Tunuu translations for songs since its inception in 1995. She revitalized Unangax̂ regalia through research she conducted at museums and by studying available literature and photographs. She then applied that research to become an expert at making traditional Unangax̂ regalia.

Mrs. Swetzof is an active member of the Unangax̂ community and also teaches at the Sand Point Culture Camp, Unalaska’s Camp Qungaayux̂, and Akutan’s Camp Qigiigun. She was instrumental in the formation of the Sand Point Culture Camp which began in 1998 where she continues to teach today and has touched many lives.